Water Quality Test and Well Equipment Inspection
Why you should get your Well Water tested
Many contaminants that pose health risks could be present in the private Well water you drink. Unfortunately, your senses cannot detect these contaminants, and hence the water’s taste, smell, or color may not indicate the actual water quality. It is a good idea to test the water so you will know exactly what is in it—especially since your health is involved. When and how often the water needs to be tested depends on several factors, including the source of water, any plumbing changes, any indication of contamination, and any illness in the family that affected more than one person. Sometimes water testing may be expensive, but it is the only way to make sure that the water is safe to drink. People using public water supplies pay for water testing as a part of their water bill. But private well owners must pay for water testing out of their own pocket.
According to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) statistics, approximately 23 million U.S. residents obtain their drinking water from private sources. Most of these supplies are drawn from groundwater through Wells, but some use water from streams or cisterns. EPA does not regulate private Wells. However, some state or governments do set rules to protect well users. In any case, EPA encourages well owners to take precautions to protect and maintain their drinking water supplies.
What should I test for?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established National Primary Drinking Water Regulations that set mandatory water quality standards for drinking water contaminants. These are enforceable standards called “maximum contaminant levels” or “MCLs”, which are established to protect the public against consumption of drinking water contaminants that present a risk to human health. However, the EPA does not regulate Private Drinking Water Sources such as Private Wells.
It is the home owner’s or buyer’s responsibility to decide what contaminants they want to test for. You may choose to test for certain contamination indicators on a regular basis. Once you let us know what contaminates you want to test for, we will take water samples often during a home inspection, and send them to an accredited NELAP laboratory. You will receive a Certificate of Analysis detailing the analytical results for the water samples tested. If you have concerns about Well water contamination, contact the local health department where your currently living or where your making a home purchase for recommendations.

Test the home’s drinking water for contaminates before buying the home.
Drinking Water Test Interpretation Tool
A list of Primary Drinking Water Contaminates you can test for and can be found in drinking water and there maximum contaminant levels as identified by the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). Go to the EPA Private Drinking Water Wells for more information.
Well Equipment Inspection
A Well equipment inspection is conducted to observe the visible condition and operation of the Well equipment. Evaluation of the Well equipment is NOT included as part of a home inspection.
A well equipment inspection provides a visual inspection of the wellhead, well cap, casing and surrounding landscape. The home inspector will also evaluate other visual components of the system, including the well pump, electrical wiring, pressure tank, pressure gauge, pressure switch and visible piping. He will also make sure there are no visible issues that could result in leaks or that could allow contaminants to enter the system. This is not a Well flow or draw down test. If necessary, your home inspector will recommend repairs you can address with the seller of the home.
Your inspector will provide a separate Well Equipment Inspection report.
Accurate Home & Termite Inspections
(717) 583-2914
151 W. Chocolate Ave, Ste 145, #31, Hershey, PA 17033
Serving Central Pennsylvania and these surrounding cities:
Harrisburg, Hershey, Hummelstown, Middletown, Annville, Lebanon, Palmyra, Lancaster, Lititz, Manheim, Elizabethtown, Mt Joy, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, New Cumberland, York